Sunday, November 05, 2006

11/05 Holiday Hunting 假日大冒險 答案公布

請讀 An Introduction to O. Henry 這篇文章, 作答後將答案當成密碼,進入假日大冒險英雄榜, 在意見欄簽下你的班級及姓名,即完成冒險活動。 有獎喔。 正確答T錯誤答F,可以嗎? 如果你的答案是FFFFF, 就以此當密碼, 打密碼的時候大小寫有影響喔

True or False
1. His stories are characteristic of surprise endings. T
2. The name “O. Henry” was actually his middle name. F
3. He dropped out from school when he was young. T
4. He was in prison for more than ten years. F
5. He finished many stories in his life and finally became a rich man when he was old.F


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